6-Month Celebration Check-In
Congrats to YOU!
It’s July! The first-half of 2020 is behind you – and the second half is ahead.
What comes to mind? YOUR mind?
“Thank God it’s over — so much for the promise of THIS new decade.”
“What a remarkable time to be alive and experience the human spirit shining on!”
You know where I stand — curious about the beliefs we hold as true, the messages we say to ourselves and others, and the actions we take that lead to our results. I believe that the universe is a loving and powerful spirit. It is on my side….lining up wellness, people and experiences in my life that will maximize my ability to contribute and reap success and joy.
And, as much as we talk about not having enough time, it is more about our energy? Your work situation is likely different now and how you use your time is open to new strategies. But how’s your energy?
Based on 29 years of scientific research, Dr. David Hawkins found that about 87% of humanity calibrates at a collective energy level that weakens them. I think you’d agree that the collective energy now is especially gnarly.
The excitement, the eagerness to just “begin”– that good, high energy can be hard to find right now.
But here’s where you come in…
High-energy people actually counterbalance the negative effect of the low collective energy of humanity.
Because we are all tapped into that collective consciousness, anything you do to improve your life and raise your positive spirit, also improves the world at large—for everyone. And I know you…You can raise the vibration of the entire planet.
It gets even better: this doesn’t happen at a one-to-one ratio—The higher your consciousness and vibration, the more impact you have in affecting larger groups of people!
Just think of the impact YOU CAN AND ARE having by raising your positive energy and consciousness!
As a fundraising and development professional you may not feel appreciated for the wonderful work you do —
- the incredible relationship-building magic you bring,
- all the big and little things you do to show your genuine caring for your givers’, and,
- the thought and care you take in presenting direct, clear asks to empower your givers to keep doing good.
When you step into a state of love, acceptance, and gratitude, you not only allow yourself to receive more you raise up the collective focus on the good that is happening. YOU are counterbalancing a whole lot of negativity!
So as you do your 6-month Celebration Check-In, be sure to track:
√ YOUR number of interactions – by phone, zoom, text, email, whatever (and does it really matter if it is genuine?) – where you smiled and shared with your givers leaving them feeling connected and cared for,
√ YOUR bold and clear asks of current, lapsed, and prospective new donors making it clear how they could give now to continue to do something good for your mission, and beyond,
√ YOUR time spent reassuring family and friends that we will get through this, AND
√ YOUR time spent resting, stretching, eating well, smiling, laughing and feeding YOUR positive spirit for good.
Remember, anything you do to improve your life and raise your positive spirit, also improves the world at large—for everyone.
You are the change we want to see in the world — not just through your outer actions but through who you are being in the world.
I appreciate you. And, I thank you.
Shine on with me! You are raising the vibe for the entire planet!