“People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can’t find them, create them.” — George Bernard Shaw
In our major gift development work…as in life, every day is filled with circumstances – the “state of affairs.” Too often we simply accept that these are the cards we have been dealt, shrug and plod along. Like Mr. Shaw, I don’t believe in circumstances. Instead….
- Make the most of the prospective givers you know now. “My portfolio doesn’t have as much potential as Joe’s.” When I worked at the University of Wisconsin, my constituency was Life Sciences and Agriculture. Clearly engineers had more wealth! You could see 10 lawyers and never leave one floor in a high rise – mine were hours apart! “My mission does not address basic needs.” And, of course, the current favorite, “The economy!” The magic of major gift success lies in the relationships we build – in propelling ourselves out of our desk chairs, prying ourselves away from our ‘life-changing’ email and getting out and talking to prospective givers. Use energy, creativity and take a long-view in your major gift work and I promise you will find wonderful gift surprises in every constituency, mission and portfolio. Read more