Let me share a story. This past summer my son, David, asked for a game of HORSE – you shoot baskets and for each miss you get a letter. Given I hadn’t touched a basketball in forever, he assumed this would be a quick game. Turns out, I couldn’t miss! From a distance, backwards, wherever! I was as stunned as he was.
Then I realized I had been visualizing making a basket, seeing the ball swoosh through the net hundreds of times during my step-class workout. I’d grab the imaginary ball, jump up on the step, SPOT a corner of the ceiling tile, “shoot” and see SWOOSH! Yes, successful athletes have used visualization for years, but it takes our vision for our work and life goals to reality as well as our baskets!
Why? Two reasons – Focus and Attraction.
Focus – Almost every day I do the WonderWord puzzle in the local paper. Why? Well, it works my brain, but more so, I see how looking for the clue word makes me focus through the jumble of letters and find it – often with just a letter or two. In life, our goals are the words we are to find and the jumble of letters are all the distractions we encounter.
Attraction – When you stop and consider what you want – for your major giving totals, for your donors to experience, for you, for your family – you pull these thoughts into focus. What you focus on grows. Do you want more of the same problems? Easy, just keep focusing on them. Do you want something different? STOP thinking about what you DON’T want. Major donors tell me that the more money they give, it seems the more money that comes into their lives to give away! What you focus on, you attract more of into your life.
What are you SPOTTING for 2015 and beyond? Can you SPOT IT? Ok, it’s yours. I promise.
Happy, Happy Holidays!
Invest in Joy!