“Are you worth it?”
I am always a few feet off the ground for weeks after the AFP International Conference on Fundraising. It is humbling and invigorating to see what our profession accomplishes to “compose a good world.” (Maya Angelou) It’s a massive conference and an investment to attend. But WHAT AN EXPERIENCE! It was even better because I had just helped staff the Millionaire Mind Intensive in Denver. We were treated there with Adam Markel (in the photo) as lead trainer – he is transformational.
At times throughout these conferences, I heard some grumping about the costs and that not all organizations can finance the trip, or AFP chapters pay only part of the costs, or it is so hard to get away, or we are Soooo Busy, etc. Friends, you’ve heard my story… . it all began at age 17 when I bought for myself “The Strangest Secret” by Earl Nightingale and the notion that, “We become what we think about.” Therein lies the key to success… but sadly, also the key to failure. For as Adam Markel, CEO of Peak Potential puts it, “How you do anything is how you do everything.” So if you drop out if an experience costs you a bit of money, or is during a busy time, or someone might think you are weak for asking for help, you will always stop short of investing in yourself.
Bernard Ross said, “I’d love to hire some navy seals. When something goes wrong they don’t say, ‘I’m not being supported here.'”
My Major Gift Success Club guest earlier this year, Richard Perry, states, “When we take counsel, we secure wisdom. We find a way. We become enlightened. We know what to do.”
So mix all this WISDOM together and my message to you this month is…
YOU ARE WORTH IT! Invest in your own growth and professional development!
You are worth every dime, minute and experience you can get your hands on. Even the ones that take you out of your comfort zone and into things you are afraid of. Even the ones you think make you look weak, or not as smart, or lacking somehow. LET those thoughts go!!
Let me give you an example.
I have been complaining about Facebook and Twitter as timewasters. (and I still think that is true in part) But they do have a role and perhaps I am just not comfortable with them. So, at the AFP conference this year I pushed myself into being a AFPeep. I surrounded myself with some of the folks best at communicating this way and tweeted some messages and photos. Now I’m certainly not the pro at succinctly emoting great wisdom, but I have started!
“People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can’t find them, make them.” George Bernard Shaw
Now some would argue that I don’t appreciate how difficult it is for some… they have challenges I just don’t face. In reality, those of us in the not-for-profit world get this better than most. Every day we see people overcome tremendous adversity to reach fo r that prize… their freedom from addiction, financial freedom, a job, peace with their families, a home, an education , whatever it is. Why? Because somewhere inside they decided that THEY ARE WORTH IT!
“When you’re interested you do what’s convenient. When you’re committed, you do whatever it takes.” John Assaraf
Each month I shower you with testimonials from others who attend my workshops… why? So you will be inspired to come and learn. I have made my Major Gift Success Club SO affordable. Why? So you will join in and grow and learn. Stop fussing over who’s going to pay for it, or how you are going to make the time. Start thinking about your lifyou can make into your own learning and success. If you’re not growing, you’re dying. There is an abundance of terrific opportunities out there. You have the time. You have the money. You want to grow. My sincere wish for you this Spring time is for you to burst with vibrant life!