No Fundrasing Close Involves Just One Person
Consider every action you ask someone to take – call, write, volunteer, give–as a contract of sorts–an agreement. It is a partnership between you and them. BOTH of you are part of making it happen.
4 Actions to Improve Fundraising Results
1. Always have these questions in mind as you think about your prospective givers overall
“What do you need from me?
“When should I be coming back to help you?”
We talk a great deal about getting that first appointment, beginning the conversation. It can take special effort (and lots of it) to make someone comfortable with the shift from the transactional feel of an appeal letter to the relational face-to-face visit. Or perhaps, like our Loaned Executives, you are new to this relationship. Switch “Dollar Goal First, Donor Second” to “Donor First, Dollar Goal Second.”
2. Create 1-3 specific possible actions you can ask for before the touch ends
You should only have this awkward “first visit” once. From that point forward, consider that every touch you make has a beginning, a middle, and a close. I think we plan for the beginning and the middle but do we really think through what action options we want to suggest at the close? Take good care to plan what the NEXT steps could be BEFORE you make the call.
“I’ll suggest Sally meet up with Joe from the Board. He gives to the area I think she’s interested in too.”
“I’ll invite Sally to hold October 15 open for our next chance to visit–that’s just after we’ll have a key result in another area I think she’s interested in that I can share.”
3. At the call, make setting up the next steps a collaborative conversation
Always remember to build rapport with the person you are with and get a deeper sense of how they like to participate, how they are comfortable taking action, what sort of tasks they seem to get excited about, and what seems to be a drag to them. Ask them to take notes with you and read back what you agreed to in the conversation.
“How do you feel or think about the conversation we just had?”
“What is our next step?”
“Ok, so you and your wife will find some time to talk over these giving options and then we’ll meet again.”
4. Embrace helping them experience success as your cherished responsibility!
THIS IS A BIG ONE! Often we are disappointed when donors or board members don’t take the actions they say they will. Or they don’t act quickly enough. Or, we feel it only happens with our prodding…and prodding some more. “Sure he helped make the appointment, but only after I bugged him 10 times!”
If you remember that every agreement is like a contract–and no contract on earth is signed by one person–it’s always two, then you can embrace a new mindset around your role. You are not chief heckler; you are chief contract-keeper–a service to your donor. Embrace your donor as really wanting to do the right thing but just needing your help and support. It’s simply YOUR part of the agreement!
Here to help you TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for your Success!
Let me hear you….”I CREATE MY LIFE!”
Invest in Joy!