Six Simple Fun Donors Loves
Laughter and Love to YOU!
It’s almost here! Valentine’s Day!
Here are six simple and fun ways to show your donors love:
1. What Valentine’s Candy is never on time?
Yep, ChocoLATE
Yet remember you can really never be late. What if you sent an email on February 15th that said, “You’re support and caring for our mission is loved just as much today as yesterday. And it will be loved tomorrow and the next day and the next day……Happy Valentine’s Day
2. Chocolate never goes out of style – add a kid’s Valentine card.
Even for men. Chocolate/dark chocolate kisses always bring a smile. Couple it with a children’s Valentine card. XOXOXOX. Yes – to donors.
3. What did the calculator say to the pencil on Valentine’s Day?
You can always count on me.
Let your donors know that you appreciate that you can count on them to support you again and again AND that they can always count on YOU, too!
4. By text, phone or email – “Sending you love today.”
Think of every donor you know who has lost their spouse and reach out to them with this simple message.
5. Write this poem to them…Roses are Red, Violets are Blue (your ending)
For example, “Roses are red, Violets are blue, we appreciate, the help (love, support, food, ?) from you.
6. What did the stamp say to the envelope?
Stick with me and you’ll go places.
Lighten up, share some kindness, hug people, live every day with love. Philanthropy is by definition, the love of humankind. Our work is to inspire the love of humankind – on Valentine’s Day and every day! WOhoo!
You are loved.
Invest in JOY®