We’re OFF in the year 2017!
So how will it end?
“What, Marcy? It just STARTED!”
Early each January my family gathers around our kitchen table. On a half-sheet of off-white card stock, we each write one sentence – a “GET to do” by the END of 2017. Then we pass our sheets around and we each write one for each other. We’ve been doing this for years – RJ, me, David, Ken and Carly.
We celebrate and reflect on last year’s list.
No judgments, no defensiveness, just awareness.
These aren’t resolutions like “I will work out three times each week.” Rather, “Do something you have wanted to do your whole life – travel, bungee jumping, skydiving, tubing and make it happen this year. (I’ll come if you want!)” This was added to my list by my 19-year-old son, David.
By being clear on how we want it to end, we will (on purpose and subconsciously) think about it, make decisions around it and take different actions during the year. We want this ending!
I’m not a fan of resolutions. They start now and move forward….until we get stuck and stop. Instead,
If you want to make it the best year of your life,
Work backward. Begin at the finish.
A film writer sees the movie ending first.
If you want to make it the best year of your life,
Know how you want it to end.
Solve the climax first.
Figure out where you want to go; then work backward from there.
A few examples might be good right about now.
- If you’re providing a new service or program in your non-profit, BEGIN WITH THE EXPERIENCE you want the participants to have, how it will change them.
- If you’re preparing for a talk, DETERMINE THE KEY ACTIONS you want the audience to take before you begin to script your presentation.
- If you want true organizational-wide teamwork, DETERMINE WHAT THIS REALLY LOOKS LIKE versus the silos you have now. How do people interact, treat each other?
- If you want a major gift from a prospective giver, ASSESS WHAT THEY WANT TO INVEST IN, then work backward to lay out the experiences, conversations and partners that will grow the relationship to that ask. (By the way, this is my Relationship Action Plan tool.)
- If you want more major donors, GET CLEAR ABOUT HOW MANY, AT WHAT LEVEL AND FOR WHAT SPECIFIC IMPACT before you begin to set up first quarter appointments.
Spend 2 hours over the next week writing out your 2017 show.
What will be different for you at the END of 2017? What does it look like?
Know how you want it to end.
You GET to write, direct and star in your own movie.
“I create my life!” Yes, you do.
So it’s your responsibility to clearly state that powerful ending right now!
If you want to make 2017 the best year of your life,
Choose to become the hero of your story.
Spend 2 hours over the next week focused on turning your life into an action movie.
Create a plot (big challenging personal and professional goals) dripping with excitement, boldness, audacity, courage, big thinking, awesome challenges and massive accomplishments.
It’s only when you become your own hero, when you can stand on your own two feet, when you BELIEVE that YOU create your life and you confront fear and overcome obstacles that you are prepared and ready to unleash the greatest you!
And we need you to unleash the greatest you to help steer this world into its brightest future.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Know how you want it to END.
Invest in Joy!