Are you ready for PERFECT Vision?
YOU are wished JOY!
December is for DOING! And, DOING. And, DOING!!!!
And that’s ok.
Yikes have I been editing year-end letters. Remember – DIRECT LINE FROM DONATING TO DOING FOR DONORS! Your gift to them is their joy in doing your mission – make them feel it, smell it, taste it and rejoice in it!
I totally stole this article’s title from my dear friend, Keven Riggle’s, Christmas card. (Hmmm need to get them out, too! Anyone else feeling that?) Keven has for years served as photographer, historian and all-around positivity guy for the Kids from Wisconsin sing-dance troupe. He inspired my son, RJ, as part of this enormous ‘family’ of kids in the Kids and we are blessed and grateful for his presence in our lives.
But back to your PERFECT VISION! I am SO excited about this!
Think about it. January 1st, 2020 it begins. 2020 vision for one and all for a whole year!
What’s that we say, “Sure, it’s clear with 2020 hindsight…”
No MORE! You now will have 2020 vision for a whole year!
(This is your pause time to really think about what I just said)
What will it be like when you see perfectly in a few weeks?
You will see with perfect vision how your givers are feeling, what they need to hear and experience to engage with you….
You will clearly understand your teenager (or in my case, my 22-year-old)…
You will be clear on what the board wants…
You will see the best decision every time…and just go ahead and make it!
No doubts. You have 2020 foresight as well as hindsight.
How does knowing this make you feel? Empowered? Sure-footed? Confident? Loved?
How will you go through your days once this extraordinary 2020 vision kicks in?
Why not just start now?
However they act – yep, you saw this and are ready to handle it.
Yep, you can react and flex to any obstacles…you saw them coming.
Yep, you can see your kid needs to experience this time.
Yep, you can see yourself SHINING!
Joy to you as you see clearly your next steps and embrace them with eagerness knowing what action to take. Empowered. Sure-footed. Confident. Loved.
You make spirits bright!
Invest in JOY®
Marcy Heim is a trusted authority in the development profession and helps organizations and educational institutions boost their major gift programs through artful, long-term relationship building that dramatically increases fundraising success while promoting increased staff job satisfaction. To receive a free chapter from Marcy’s book, Empower Your Board to Serve as Effective Development Ambassadors, click here.
Questions: Contact KK Konicek at