But I am a unique snowflake…..
My session, “No-Nonsense Must-Haves for Major Gift Success,” held at 8 am on Monday morning, was met with a standing-room-only enthusiastic crowd. A heartfelt thank you goes to my co-presenters and clients, Niki Richardson from TOArts and Terrance Hunter from CFCArts. They shared their real-life major giving adventures. Together, we delved into mindset, giving options, relationship building, and my 3-sentence ask. And yes, we belted out, “People love to give me money!” Who says you can’t learn and have fun at 8 am on a Monday?
Conference days are filled with oh so many conversations. It is evident that you each face unique challenges in inspiring generosity for your mission. But remember, you also possess unique skills, passion, and creativity—ingredients for overcoming any obstacle that comes your way.
Let’s zero in on the 5 No-Nonsense Mindset Must-Haves ANY one can experience – no matter how unique you believe you are. These are essentials for unlocking more major gifts:
1. ANY not-for-profit organization can inspire transformational giving:
No matter the hurdles, the size of your organization, your budget constraints, or staffing limitations—never doubt your opportunity to raise major gifts. It’s not about the size of the obstacle; it’s about the size of YOU and your determination to find a way, whether it’s around, over, or despite it. No excuses.
2. ANY fundraiser can make a conscious decision to prioritize major gift relationships: You create your life! Make a deliberate decision to allocate more time to nurturing major gift relationships. Cut through the noise of emails, social media, and the allure of the next shiny tactic. With focused effort, just a few mornings per week can pave the way for a thriving major giving program.
3. ANY leader can embrace donors as valued partners: Donors deserve a seat at the table. Move beyond viewing donors solely as ATMs. Major donors crave genuine connection and a sense of belonging within your organization. Embrace their desire to contribute meaningfully. As more and more major gifts are made anonymously, recognition is not the key driver – it’s appreciation. Extend a warm invitation—they are eager to engage.
4. ANY Board member can lead with their giving:Service on the board is commendable, but it is not enough. A board member major giving success mindset demands that Board members demonstrate their commitment to the organization’s vision through financial contributions. Every Board member can make an investment, signaling to others the importance of philanthropic leadership. No excuses—time AND talent AND treasure.
5. ANY one can master the math behind major giving: Understanding the impact of major gifts versus smaller donations is crucial. It takes 400 $25 gifts to equal one $10,000 gift—a stark reminder of the transformative potential of major giving. While events and annual appeals play their part, transformations that are both repeatable AND scalable come from major gifts. Nurture these relationships with gratitude and clarity on future goals, and watch as donors eagerly ask, “What’s next?”
When you find yourself succumbing to feelings of scarcity or dwelling on perceived limitations, remember you hold the power to shift your mindset. Reject the role of the victim, discard the blame game, and instead, approach donor engagement with unwavering belief in your cause’s worthiness. Your success awaits—so SHINE ON!!!