100 Days of NO!
How many of your goals have you accomplished so far this year? Have your current strategies made you more successful, healthier, and happier?
September 22 is the 265th day of the year. Yep…100 days to go and we’re face to face with those New Year’s resolutions again.
If you continue doing what you’ve done these past 265 days where will you be, and what will you be doing, saying, and feeling on January 1st, 2013? (Perhaps you’ve heard this definition of insanity…doing the same thing in the same way and expecting different results? )
Will the list be the same?
Will you still be fighting for daylight beneath playing the metrics numbers game, being half-present at home and lugging the same 30 extra pounds around? Why would you want that? I t is YOUR choice. Really. Take time now to say, “I create my life!” Not your boss, your donors, your spouse, your kids – YOU.
For the next 100 days, I want you to CLEAR THE DECKS! I want you to identify the 3-5 things that, looking back on December 31st will make you shout, “I HAVE HAD AN AMAZING YEAR!” I want you to write them down and hang the list where you see it – at work, at home, in the car.
It might include….
1. Identify and create a specific solicitation plan for 15 donors who have the highest capacity, are most engaged and are farthest around the cycle of successful relationships…moving from Being a Joyful Giver to being ready for the Artful Ask and make these visits and the resulting next visits required. Frankly, if you bring in your top 10 gifts it will be a good year. FOCUS on them!
2. Walk/work out 2 times each week. Period!
3. Plan a thoughtful holiday greeting to ever yone who has touched my life and get this out by December 1st.
4. Have all my holiday decorating and shopping done by Thanksgiving….development folks have other things to do in December.
For these remaining 100 days of the year, you must focus on “NO”! What you will NOT do!
1. What thoughts will you not entertain?
To quote Earl Nightingale, “You become what you think about.” I DO want you to keep your positive focus. Combat any fearful thoughts (I’m afraid I won’t make my numbers. I’m afraid Joe won’t make his gift. I’m afraid my spouse won’t like her gift. I’m afraid I can’t get it all done.) with Joyce Meyer’s “Something GO OD is going to happen to me!” Drive the negatives out immediately. Or simply say, “Thank you for sharing.” and dismiss the negative self-talk. You ARE a great development professional and person.
2. What activities, meetings, events will you say “no” to?
Does every staff member need to be at every event? Can you skip some internal meetings? Can you take turns attending some? I know in our development world showing up in person is important. But would a thoughtful note or call to the key people there be even more special? If it does not advance one of your Last 100 Days Goals, it should GO!
3. What relationships will you not cultivate?
The way you manage your relationships (personal and donor) has an enormous impact on your ability to perform at consistently high levels. Surround yourself with people who feed your spirit… not drai n it! Identify the top three high-maintenance non-donor relationships and say “no” to them for the next 100 days. Then work to ‘dissolve’ them. Are the holidays a wild chase between families? Talk out a change of plans and share these with family NOW… don’t wait until December 23rd. Provide an alternative time to enjoy the holidays together. Make arrangements to see lower-level donors in January. Focus on ONLY your major donors who you believe will want to give this calendar year because you have been artfully growing these relationship! Finally, make decisions on groups of donors you can see at once, keep in touch with by letter, etc during these last 100 days.
4. What websites will you not visit? What TV will you not watch? What social media will you skip?
These activities are like magnets and suck away productive time. Save TV viewing for family holiday favorites. Stop surfing mindlessly. Sleeping is a better use of your time.
5. What money will you not spend?
One of the greatest regrets (STRESS) to greet us on January 1st is over-spending on the holidays. Too much in gifts, parties, food, and on and on. Put yourself on a fiscal diet. This does not mean operating from a ‘lack’ mentality. It means being well aware of what you are spending and doing so intentionally.
6. What will you no longer tolerate from yourself or others?
Saying “no” and meaning it is the easiest word for setting a limit, and being clear about what you will or will not do. “No” is liberating. “No” empowers you to have the time you need for what is important professionally and personally. Stick to your workout. Someone says, “Oh you can eat that (1 zillion calorie) treat.” Reply, “No thank you.” That’s it. No long answers, debates, justifications. Refuse t o negotiate.
All together now…..”No!”